Hamilton Family Charitable Trust

Grantee Resources

Managing Your Grant

Below you will find materials to help manage the expectations of your grant. Please call our office at (610) 293-2225 or email oe@hfctrust.org with additional questions about any phase of the grant process.


We are no longer accepting Letters of Intent for our 2024 Board Meetings. Please check our 2025 deadlines here.

We are excited to share that the 2025 calendar was approved at our June 2024 Board meeting. In 2025, the Trust will begin the process to shift its grantmaking from four times per year to three times per year. This transition will take place over the the 2025 calendar year when we will have only two grant cycles. By 2026, we will have completed our process and will fully implement the plan to approve grants three times per year.

Webinars & Tutorials

Links to grantee orientations are below.

HFCT New Grant Cycle Information Session, January 2023

Financial Resources

The following resources are used to represent the expenses of the program. This form can be downloaded for completion and uploaded with your Follow-Up end of grant report.

Final Evaluation Report – Budget vs. Actual Template

Grant Management Resources

The following resources are designed to help you manage your grant throughout its duration.

Grant Cycle One

coming soon

Grant Cycle Two

coming soon

Grant Cycle Three

coming soon

Grant Cycle Four

coming soon

Our Online Grant System

Log in to our Grant System to access your account.


Grantee Spotlight

Beyond the Bars is located in over 45 music labs throughout Philadelphia.

The Lewis Prize for Music gathered HFCT grantee, Beyond the Bars (Philadelphia, PA), along with other leading CYD organizations from across the United States, to participate in The Lewis Prize for Music’s Innovative Creative Youth Development & Workforce Development Systems Change Lab.

The Lewis Prize for Music released the results of this collaboration in its Producing Well-Being Report which points out the transformative impact of music-based Creative Youth Development (CYD) programs in enabling youth who are most marginalized to discover their voice, refine their artistic skills, and emerge as leaders in the 21st-century workforce.

The Hamilton Family Charitable Trust is proud to partner with this student-driven and community-based music and resource connection program dedicated to interrupting cycles of violence and divestment while helping Philadelphia’s talented young artists recognize their potential and bright futures.

Publications & Best Practices

The Trust is committed to continuous learning and improvement. Below are a few articles and reports that inform our approach.

“Family Learning and Literacy in Urban Settings: Lessons from a Network of Informal Learning and Community-Based Organizations” by UPCLOSE: University of Pittsburgh Center for Learning in Out of School Environments

“Navigating SEL From the Inside Out” by The Easel Lab @ The Harvard Graduate School of Education

“Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and Student Benefits: Implications for the Safe Schools/Healthy Students Core Elements” by Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)

“College and Career Preparation Activities and Their Influence on Post-High School Education and Work Attainment” by Xue Xing, Margarita Huerta, Tiberio Garza, University of Nevada, Las Vegas